5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Company in 2018

As the calendar nears 2018, it’s an optimal time to reflect on what your organization has achieved, and set new goals for the upcoming year. Here are five goals that are always timely and every organization can benefit from.

1. Clarify the vision and strategy

Often, top leaders in the organization have a clear strategy and wonder why it’s not filtering to the entire organization. It could be how it is written, how it is said, and/or how it is communicated. Everyone should be able to state it and live it.

2. Invest in your leaders

Priorities and deliverables are always changing. Take time to update roles and responsibilities, and offer professional development to fill in the talent gaps. Brandon Hall Group’s research indicates that about 75% of leadership development programs lack effectiveness. Strive for best-in-class trainers, high-quality content and measurable results to change behaviors, attitudes and thinking.

3. Create a positive culture

Human capital is your top investment. The goals are to recruit, retain and motivate your employees for high productivity. The culture exists to execute the strategy. Design culture audits, culture committees and internal ambassadors to connect senior leadership with everyone in the organization.

4. Communicate effectively

Too much email? Silos? Clear and concise communication makes a difference. Create a communication strategy, set new goals and train people effectively.

5. Lead motivating meetings

Most companies have too many unproductive meetings without a clear agenda, purpose and outcome. Every manager should be a top-notch meeting planner and facilitator. Learn to listen 80% of the time and speak only 20% of the time.

Happy New Year from everyone at Executive Aura! For more information on how we can help you reach these goals or others in 2018, contact us at info@executiveaura.com.